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  • Writer's pictureLydia Mormen

Entry 9: The struggle

So it's been a week or so since I last posted and it's been a bit of a struggle. I had my meeting to show my rough cut to my teacher and she gave me some really constructive points. After taking her advice and watching other documentaries I realised mine was too "blocky."

In order to make it more engaging for the viewer it's good to weave in and out of different interviews that then come together to make one big picture at the end. I took the advice of my supervisor and made cards with all my best soundbites on and then laid them out on the floor to come up with a more engaging structure.

Ultimately it meant splitting up three of the bigger interviews. I think doing it this way helps the audience to connect with the characters as instead of just seeing each character one after the other, you re-visit them and become more engaged in their story.

Now the structure is in place it's time for the cosmetic editing!

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