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  • Writer's pictureLydia Mormen

Entry 10: Youtube is my bestfriend!

Wow. I could never have estimated how much hard work editing a documentary of only 7 minutes would be.

As I am doing a Journalism course my time over the last few years has been evenly split between print, radio and tv. This means that I've only ever edited short clips or at most a package for a news show and I have never had to edit a documentary on my own!

Because I want my doc to look cinematic to fit in with my chosen platform of Great Big Story, there is a lot more pressure to make sure that all the shots are perfectly timed and edited than there is when editing for a news show. This HAS to evoke emotion which means a lot of googling how to edit!

A few of the techniques I have learnt over the last few weeks:


-Colour correction

-Image Overlaying

-Slowing down shots to allow the viewer to create nostalgia

-Attempting over and over again to clean up sound - something I still haven't fully mastered!

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